Will Labour increase NHS pay?

With a general election fast approaching in July 2024, many NHS staff will be considering whether a Labour government might […]

How much is the NHS pay rise for 2024/25? Updated June 2024

Most NHS staff are on Agenda for Change contracts. Every year, the NHS Pay Review Body provides advice to the […]

NHS Pay Scales 2024/25 (with predicted 5.5% pay rise – updated July 2024)

This article contains predicted NHS pay rises for 2024/25 and was last updated in July 2024. The figures are based […]

When will the NHS pay rise for 2024 happen? (Updated June 2024)

Most NHS pay is governed by the Agenda for Change (AfC) contract, which separates pay into a number of pay […]

Are NHS pay rises backdated?

Because of the complex process behind how NHS and Agenda for Change pay rises are decided, often decisions on pay […]